Events in 2019:
3. 4. A public presentation about survival in the wild, free entrance (Ljubljana)
15.–17. 5. Team building for the Dutch
23. 5. Team building for Czechs
1.–2. 6. Basic 2-days course
7.–8. 6. 2-days course "Gozdovnik" (in cooperation with Zavod Mavrični bojevniki)
14.–16. 6. Demanding 3-days course
14.–20. 7. Summer school of survival for kids (9-13 years old)
24. 8. Reunion of national competition and get together
23. 8. - 1.9. MAKING DUGOUT CANOE (5 days) and survival CANOE TRIP (4 days)
Events in 2018:
18.4. A public presentation about survival in the wild, free entrance (Ljubljana)
1.–3.6. 3-days course "Gozdovnik" (in cooperation with Zavod Mavrični bojevniki)
8.–10.6. Demanding 3-days course
11.7. All-day program for scouts Rašiški rod
13. –15.7. Demanding 3-days course
17. - 19. 7. 3-days course for Mladniski center Tržič
20.7. All-day program - festival SUMO
Events in 2017:
14. 1. A public presentation about survival in the wild, free entrance (Ljubljana)
31.3. - 2.4. Survival training for our instructors
12.7. Survival workshop (Mavrični bojevniki)
19.7. Survival workshop for scouts (Log pod Mangartom)
21.7. School in woods (Mozirje)
14. - 16.7. 3-days program for children
25.9. - 29.9. Survival training of our instructors
Events in 2016:
April: 2-days course for British (video)
September: Demanding 3-days course
September: Survival training of our instructors (4 days)
December: Survival training of our instructors (3 days)
Events in 2015:
January: 3x Public presentation about survival in the wild (Ljubljana, Ribnica, Kočevje)
March: A 1-day course for French
March-May: Bi-weekly educations and training for skills for ourselves
August: Survival training of our instructors (5 days)
August: Demanding 3-days course
December: Survival training of our instructors (5 days)
Events in 2014:
February: 3x Public presentation about survival in the wild (Ljubljana, Ribnica, Kočevje)
May: Demanding 3-days course (army)
August: Demanding 3-days course (for families)
September: Survival training (solo 12 days)
September: Demanding 3-days course
September: Demanding 3-days course (video)
Events in 2013:
January: Survival training for our instructors (2 days)
February: Public presentation about survival in the wild, free entrance (Ljubljana)
August: Demanding 3-days course for Germans
September: Survival training of our instructors (8 days)
September: Survival training (solo 15 days)
Our beginnings and yearly survival training of our instructors from 4 till max 15 days without food and with minimal equipment.